New Bus Facility on NE Columbia Boulevard
As part of TriMet’s dedication to improving service and expanding our network of buses, we’re committed to making transit more sustainable by reducing emissions. The new Columbia Operations Facility Project is a significant step toward achieving these goals.
What’s in the works
The project includes the design and construction of parking and bus circulation areas. We’ll also construct buildings for operations, maintenance, fueling and washing buses, IT support and fueling infrastructure.
Buses will access the site via NE 42nd Ave using a new traffic signal at 42nd and Columbia Blvd. Cars will use a new leg of Bryant Street, connecting to the signalized intersection of NE 47th Ave and Columbia Blvd.
The facility
Located at 4421 NE Columbia Blvd and acquired in 2018, the 31-acre site was formerly a Caterpillar Power Systems dealership facility. The location is ideal for its industrial surroundings, distance from other facilities and ability to reduce trips when buses are out of service and running without passengers.
Through a Local Improvement District (LID), new sidewalks will be constructed adjacent to the site, and a new traffic signal and pedestrian crossing will be added on Columbia Blvd at NE 42nd Ave. In addition, NE 46th Ave will be paved with sidewalks, along with a new leg of NE Bryant St connecting NE 46th and 47th avenues.
Alternative fuels
When the project is complete in 2030, the site will house at least 250 zero-emissions buses. The facility will play a critical role in transitioning TriMet’s entire bus fleet from renewable diesel to zero-emissions. To serve our longest routes, the Columbia site will house fuel cell electric buses.
Columbia slough habitat protection
A 100-foot buffer zone will be protected along the site frontage on the Columbia Slough to preserve important fish and wildlife habitats.
Creating opportunity
The facility will employ about 330 bus operators, plus up to 100 maintenance, cleaning, training, management and support positions. Recruitment efforts focused in neighborhoods around the new facility have begun, and TriMet is exploring opportunities to offer scholarships for training in construction trades through local community partners.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise contracts
For the project’s design and construction, TriMet will continue its award-winning Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program to maximize contracting with firms owned by people of color and women.
Stay informed
For more information, please call TriMet Community Affairs at 503-962-2150.
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