SE Park Avenue Park & Ride Garage Expansion
In spring 2024, we’ll begin adding floors to the SE Park Avenue Park & Ride, making it easier and more convenient for riders to access transit. It’s work that had been deferred during the MAX Orange Line project.
The Park Avenue Park & Ride garage provides easy access to the MAX Orange Line and bus lines 33-McLoughlin/King Rd and 99-Macadam/McLoughlin.
In June 2021, TriMet secured federal funding to help build two additional floors with approximately 334 new parking spots, making transit more accessible for more people.
Construction will begin in spring 2024 with new floors opening in spring 2025.
The early design plans for the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project, which built the MAX Orange Line, included five floors of parking at this Park & Ride garage at the SE Park Ave Station. However, two of those floors were deferred due to funding constraints. This project is a unique opportunity to complete the original plans for the garage.
Shortly after the MAX Orange Line opened in September 2015, the new three-floor Park & Ride garage at the SE Park Ave Station was unable to meet parking demand.
To help serve more riders, TriMet leased parking at the adjacent Milwaukie Elks Club for a few years. The PMLR Project — MAX Orange Line was successfully completed under budget in 2015. TriMet requested authorization to use some of the PMLR savings to build the two deferred floors. Federal funding was secured in 2021 for this expansion.
The MAX Orange Line was completed on time and under budget. Because of these savings, TriMet secured federal funding to help build the remaining two floors of the Park Avenue garage.
Construction Schedule
Updated January 31, 2025: Parking is available on the first and second floors. Access to the third floor and above is currently restricted.
Select parking spaces in the garage will be closed, as needed, due to adjacent construction. Second floor ADA parking spots remain temporarily closed at this time. The first floor ADA parking spot is open for use at this time.
The stairs and the pedestrian walkways between the garage and SE Park Ave will be closed periodically during overhead construction. Detour routes will be posted. The elevator also remains closed during construction.
The project is under construction from spring 2024–spring 2025.
The garage will remain open for most of the project. The garage entrance from the driveway at SE Park Avenue will remain open during construction, though there will some occasional closures. The garage entrance at SE McLoughlin Boulevard will be closed for the duration of the project.
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