9-Powell 빌

9-Powell 빌딩 노선은 Tilikum Crossing을 경유하며 Powell과 Portland Transit Mall(5번가 및 6번가)을 따라 Gresham 중 환승 센터, SE Portland, South Waterfront, Portland City Center를 연결합니다.

자주 이용하는 서비스 이 버스 노선은 매일 하루에 최대 15분 간격으로 운행합니다. 자세히 보기

9번 노선 운행 일정

시행 중인 서비스 알림:

No service at northbound stop N Main & NE 10th (Stop ID 3683) due to construction. Use temp stop on 10th Dr between Main & Roberts.

Beginning Monday, March 17, through Friday, March 28, no service at eastbound stop SE Powell & 92nd (Stop ID 4707) due to construction. Use temp stop approx. 80 ft east of stop.

Beginning Friday, March 21, through Sunday, April 6, for trips to Portland no service at SW Lincoln & 1st (Stop ID 3398) and SW Hall & 5th (Stop ID 13780) due to construction. Use temp stops at SW 1st & Lincoln and at 200 Block SW Harrison (Stop ID 2567).

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