19-Woodstock/ Glisan
19-Woodstock/Glisan connects Mt. Scott, SE Portland, Woodstock, Eastmoreland, Portland City Center, Laurelhurst and Gateway, via Flavel, Duke, 82nd, Woodstock, Bybee, Milwaukie, Powell, the Tilikum Crossing, 5th/6th, Burnside and Glisan.
19번 노선 운행 일정
시행 중인 서비스 알림:
공사로 인해 SE 82번 및 Cooper 남쪽 방면 정류장(정류장 ID 7982)이 운영되지 않습니다. 100피트 남쪽에 임시 정류장(전신주)이 있습니다.
공사로 인해 서쪽 방면 NE Glisan & 80th(정류장 ID 2145) 정류장이 운영되지 않습니다.
Beginning Friday, March 21, through Sunday, April 6, for trips to Portland no service at SW Lincoln & 1st (Stop ID 3398) and SW Hall & 5th (Stop ID 13780) due to construction. Use temp stops at SW 1st & Lincoln and at 200 Block SW Harrison (Stop ID 2567).
The elevator in the southwest corner of Gateway/NE 99th Ave TC Park & Ride is out of service. Use elevator at southeast corner or see trimet.org/elevators More