
35-Macadam/Greeley 노선은 Highway 43, Macadam, Riverside or Terwilliger, 5번/6번, Interstate, Greeley, Willis를 경유하여 Oregon City, Lake Oswego, South Waterfront, Portland City Center, Old Town/Chinatown, Union Station, Rose Quarter, North Portland(Portland 대학)를 연결합니다.

35번 노선 운행 일정

Effective Mar. 25, 2025 Beginning 9:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, through 4:00 a.m. Wednesday, March 26, no service to the northbound stop at S Macadam & Nevada (Stop ID 3622) due to paving work.

Effective Mar. 25, 2025 Beginning 9:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, through 4:00 a.m. Wednesday, March 26, no service to the southbound stop at S Riverside & Riverdale (Stop ID 4906) due to paving work.

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