
76-Hall/Greenburg는 Beaverton, Washington Square, Tigard, Tualatin, Meridian Park Hosptial, West Linn 및 Oregon City 사이를 매일 오갑니다. 동시에 동 노선은 Hall, Greenburg, Durham, Lower Boones Ferry Road, Martinazzi, Sagert, Borland, I-205 및 Willamette Falls Drive를 통과합니다.

자주 이용하는 서비스 이 버스 노선은 매일 하루에 최대 15분 간격으로 운행합니다. 자세히 보기

76번 노선 운행 일정

시행 중인 서비스 알림:

No service to the northbound stop at SW Hall & Ashford (Stop ID 9082) due to long-term construction. Use the temp stop one block south at Langtree (approx. 80 ft north of intersection).

Beginning Wednesday, March 19, through Friday, March 28, no service to the stops northbound at SW 65th & Borland (Stop ID 7839) and southbound at SW 65th & Sagert (Stop ID 14534) on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. due to construction.

Beginning 7 a.m. Monday, March 24 through 4 p.m. Friday, March 28, the westbound stop at SW 65th & Sagert (Stop ID 14534) and the eastbound stops at SW 65th & Borland (Stop ID 7839) and at SW Borland & 61st Terrace (Meridian Park Hosp.) (Stop ID 14525) may be closed due to concrete pouring.

For trips to Meridian Park Hospital, no service from SW Durham & Upper Boones Ferry and SW Durham & 72nd due to blocking non-TriMet collision. To Beaverton TC, no service between 18000 Block SW Lower Boones Ferry and SW Durham & Upper Boones Ferry.

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