Southwest Corridor 경전철 사업의 설계 작업은 2020년 유권자들이 여러 교통 개선을 위한 지역 재정 지원 조치를 거부함에 따라 일시 중단되었습니다. 2022년 초 Metro, TriMet 및 미국 연방 대중교통국(Federal Transit Administration)은 이 프로젝트에 향후 연방 재정 지원을 받기 위한 최종 환경 영향 보고서(FEIS) 작성을 완료하고 결정 기록(ROD)을 발행했습니다. 관련 문서를 보려면 Metro 프로젝트 웹 사이트를 참조하십시오.

Southwest Corridor 경전철 사업

Portland to Tualatin in 30 Minutes

The Southwest Corridor Light Rail Project is a proposed MAX light rail line that would provide a 30-minute trip between Downtown Portland and Tualatin. The high-capacity transit project was planned for one of the most congested travel corridors in the region, and to support the estimated 400,000 new residents expected by 2040. It would include coordinated investments to foster connected, affordable communities where all people can live, work and thrive.

TriMet, Metro and other project partners began planning efforts on the light rail line in 2009. From 2016-2020, TriMet and Metro worked on the preliminary design and environmental review phases of the project, resulting in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and the Conceptual Design Report.

In November 2020, voters rejected Measure 26-218 (also known as Get Moving 2020), a proposal to fund the Southwest Corridor Light Rail Project and many other transportation programs across the region.

At this time, planning and design for the project are on hold until funding is identified. A Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) was made available in January 2022 to ensure the project is eligible for future federal funding. See Metro’s project website to learn more about environmental review and to access the FEIS.

The design and alignment concepts shown on this website are based on the Conceptual Design Report, published in September 2020. If the project were to restart at a future date, these designs could change.

TriMet rail system map

The project was based on the Final Conceptual Design Report, published in 2020, and would have included:



The Route at a Glance

March 2019 preferred alternative
Conceptual rendering subject to change

Route legend



타임라인을 드래그하여 스크롤















Draft conceptual design report

Final conceptual design

환경차원에서 검토


Voters declined funding measure
November 2020

Planning for Equitable Development

During the planning process, project partners collaborated to minimize gentrification. These efforts included these partnerships:


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프로젝트 파트너

TriMet북 지하 오레곤 교통국(ODOT) Washington Couty실 City of Durham City of Portland City of Tigard City of Tualatin